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The Complex Sale Managing Large Accounts

"Hope is not a strategy. Learn the approaches to target new and strategic accounts."

All recommended numbers are to ensure optimal participation and facilitator/attendee ratio.

The Complex Sale Managing Large Accounts


Embark on a transformative journey with our program, "Mastering Complex Sales and Large Account Management." Uncover the Fundamentals by harnessing the power of referrals, as participants engage in an interactive exercise, reaching out to their customers to gain valuable referrals from existing clients. This program is tailored for professionals aiming to elevate their skills in complex sales and large account management.

Designed for those eager to drive revenue and enhance team performance, this program ensures that revenue-generating activities are tracked and measured effectively. Explore The Tools for Success by participating in our "Taking it to the Top" three-month team-based competition, a landmark initiative following the program. Elevate your sales approach, master complex sales scenarios, and effectively manage large accounts through strategic insights and hands-on exercises. Join us on this dynamic journey towards mastering complex sales and optimizing large account management.

22 Hour



3Day In Person Training


In Person Only

Suggested Minimum Participants


Grant Status 


Our Coaches and Trainers 

Gary Waldron

Founder and CEO

Gary Waldron

Tom Pierce

Business Development, Leadership Coaching and Project Management

Tom Pierce

Kevin Satter

Business Development and Leadership Associate

Kevin Satter

Chris Spafford

Business Development and Management Coaching

Chris Spafford

Grant Information

Our programs qualify for government grants and funding, and we can help you get approved. 

Additional Modules  

If the program you are looking at doesn't meet the 21hr grant requirments take a look at adding some of our latest modules.

Program Outline

Extreme Ownership 

Embark on a transformative journey with our Extreme Ownership program, which introduces the 12 Principles of Leadership derived from the unparalleled success of Navy SEALs and led by Jocko Willink, co-author of the acclaimed book "Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win," participants will discover how to apply these principles to lead teams and organizations effectively. Through immersive learning experiences, participants will gain insight into the mindset and strategies that drive SEAL teams to peak performance, learning to take full responsibility for their actions and outcomes. This program is the perfect addition to any leadership, sales, or management course outline, offering actionable insights and proven strategies for success in today's dynamic business environment.

Additional Modules

"Unlike some of the seminars I have sat through in the past, I found the program you put together to be much less pie in the sky/kumbaya/theoretical and more practical/nuts and bolts/shovel ready."


"I couldn’t believe the effect it was happening on my life!"


"I want to pass along to you and Ray our appreciation for the excellent Business Development and Negotiation Program that you ran for our company recently in San Antonio."

Leading Energy Company


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